1951 Coffee Graduate Stories

Alaa - 1951 Coffee Graduate Series
“When I went to 1951, I was like ‘Oh my god!’ My sister Esraa and I were shocked. I was like wow, that’s fun! I didn’t miss any days of the training class. Even when I was sick, I wanted to go! I want to keep going, keep going, keep going… I love 1951, it’s the best.” - Alaa, 1951 Coffee Graduate
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Ahmad - 1951 Coffee Graduate Series
“I think there is nothing I didn’t like about it. It did not feel like training. I felt like I knew the other people for more than just 2 weeks. It’s very welcoming. My class became friends, and we talked a lot.” - Ahmad, 1951 Coffee Graduate
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Victoria - 1951 Coffee Graduate Series
I think the Barista Training Program is a very good thing, because it helps people feel better. If I didn’t go, then I couldn’t try and be a cashier in a cafe. Graduating from the program gave me the confidence that I can work in America. I had hope for my future in America.  -Victoria, 1951 Coffee Graduate
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Marvin - 1951 Coffee Graduate Series

I have a message for my immigrant community: there’s always fear, but there’s always hope. And hope is bigger than the fear. So put aside what you are afraid of, and just hope. There’s good people, and we have to have that hope. We were not designed to fail, we were designed to succeed. But we fail the moment we feel defeated. So as long as hope is there, we can do it. 

The Barista Training Program was amazing! It wasn’t only the passion for coffee, but the support I got from the people training me. Having people that believed in me, that I can do this, that I can have progress, all while learning a new skill…it means something.  -Marvin, 1951 Coffee Graduate

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